Tuesday, February 19, 2013

That Jock Is Terrible

I'm an outdoors kind of guy so it was no surprise that I took a vacation to the beach. I used to work in a market several years earlier that was by the beach so I had missed being so close to it.  I tried to make it down to it as often as possible.  I grabbed some family and friends and we took a trip to **CENSORED**. No matter where I travel, I always listen to the local talent.  The town we were visiting was a smaller market between 130 - 200 on the Arbitron scale.

My buddy wanted to stop by Walmart so he could buy some beach towels.  I always make it a habit to head over to the electronics section every time I go to Walmart so I told my friend that was where he could find me.

As I was in the electronics section I could hear some of the radios/stereos were on.  I patiently waited for a talk break.  While I was waiting a Walmart employee had came up to me to chat about some of the electronics that were on sale.  As we were talking the jock came on and did a godawful break.  Hey, I remember what it was like to be a green jock, but this guy was overly bad.  I had said out loud “Wow, that DJ is awful.” I did not tell the Walmart employee what I had done for a living.  He just stood there for a moment.  After about 2 seconds of silence he finally spoke and said

“That DJ is my brother.”

I laughed in a kind of “Ha ha nice joke” kinda way but I quickly realized by the look on his face that he was serious.  I felt like an asshole.


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