Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Gun Is Ordering You Off The Air

I worked for a radio station, in the commercial centre of a developing nation, where talent was frowned upon and loyalty reigned supreme. However, I happened to possess both attributes and leaned heavily on the latter to survive each day. While my bosses with vast experiences, spent a portion of their time schooling me on the better ways to handle shows and run the studio, they were also busy keeping an eye on the intern I might have had a hard on for.

A remarkable memory will have to be my first day at work, after months of speculation, accusations, counter accusations, I resumed on a fine Wednesday afternoon in April of 2007. I strolled round the premises, made a few acquaintances and spent the rest of my day in the Live studio double-banking with a senior presenter.

Around 6pm, we had a visit from the Program's Manager. With a thin smile and in the calmest voice possible, he asked us to sign off air. I thought it was a joke, but then I peered over his shoulder and saw two other men with guns I had only seen in spy movies. I whispered to my older colleague and it dawned on us almost immediately that we were being shut down by the Federal Government.   This was at the height of the political tension at the time as elections drew near.

There were assumptions, especially from supposed eyewitness accounts that the station was set up by the opposition to be used for propaganda during the elections. The Federal Government was not having that.
I thought my life was over.  I had waited three years, working a variety of odd jobs, and just when I saw the silver lining, men in guns dressed in impeccable danshiki (native wear) were politely rounding us up, and asking us to switch off all communication devices.

The Program's Manager and another senior colleague were taken away for questioning while the rest of us were asked to go home.  I spent four months out of a job again and even got ribbed about being the station's bad luck charm.  With the elections over and the incumbent party regaining power, the station was reopened and I got back to work.

Three years later, I picked up a recognition award for outstanding all round broadcasting excellence.  Since then, I've featured on other fledgling radio stations as a morning show host and Production Manager.

Currently, my wife and I are Media Consultants.


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