Tuesday, February 19, 2013

All The Kids Love It

Back in 2003, I worked for a popular Top 40 station.  One day we had brought in a band to play at the radio station for a select few listeners who were lucky enough to get tickets on the air.

The band weren’t huge superstars but they weren’t no-namers either.  We had this one guy who was considered by everyone at the station to be a groupie.  Always wanting to be around and interact with the celebrities that came by the radio station.

Listeners were starting to arrive and it was about 30 minutes before they were scheduled to perform.  I noticed that there was a commotion going on in the program directors office.  Someone was yelling and sounded pretty pissed off.  Apparently the station groupie coworker had told the lead singer that all the twelve year olds loved his music.  The singer got pissed and wanted to leave the station without performing.  The PD calmed him down and him and the bands manager convinced him to fulfill their end of the deal to perform.  After the performance, the listeners and band had left and we had a spontaneous programming meeting.  The groupie was not in programming so he wasn’t apart of it.  The PD let us in on what had happened.  I asked, why in the world did he say that?  None of us knew.  We assumed that he was not trying to be disrespectful but the singer took it as such.

Ahhhh, radio drama.



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