Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Social Media FAIL

In 2006 our PD was convinced that social networking was the future of branding a radio station.  He was absolutely right.  We were all encouraged to have a MySpace and a Facebook to interact with our listeners.  One of my coworkers apparently did not “get it”.

He would continually post questionable post about conspiracy theories, criticize the music we would play, and use profanity.  I pulled him aside and tried to explain to him that what he was doing was not a good representation of the radio station.  He just shrugged off my warning and continued to do what he wanted.  It got to a point where the program director also addressed his online persona.

Afterwards, he was upset.  He was not fired but was encouraged to clean up his social media.  He refused.  I remember him saying “It is my MySpace, my Facebook.  How can the radio station dictate what I put on my social networks?”  He did not understand that he represented the radio station 24/7, even on MySpace and Facebook.

The station also jumped on the social media bandwagon and got their own social media accounts.  It did not take long for them to grow in popularity.  All the programming staff had access to the station MySpace and Facebook so we could all contribute to it.

One night, my coworker had posted some sort of 9/11 was an inside job conspiracy post on the radio stations social networks.  Naturally, friends of the radio station commented on the post and he responded to some of the negative comments in an unprofessional manner.  Telling people to “shut the fuck up”, “your a fucking moron if you cannot see if was an inside job”, etc.

I did not know about this until the next day when I was asked to cover his on air shift.  I had asked why and was told that he had been let go.  The post were erased but I did see screenshots that someone had taken of the incident.  I do not know what happened to him after he was fired.

Fast forward 7 years later, I am now a program director.  I always tell my staff this story as a stern reminder to be conscious of what you post online.


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