I have had men come onto me my entire life, it is the price of being a 20-something woman who takes care of her body. Some people have even rumored that my looks, plus sleeping around helped me get to where I am at today. That could not be any more further from the truth, I busted my ass for the success I have experienced in radio.
This story is about the time where I was completely clueless on what I was going to do because my boss blatantly told me that he wanted me. To make a long story short I once landed a gig at a station we one of my previous A.P.D.'s was currently employed at. He helped me get the job since he was the new stations program director. We hit it off like no time had passed and we were successful. Keep in mind that I had known this man for probably 5 years before I started working at this new station. About a year in I noticed my phone going off pretty late one night. I answer it and it is him and he asks me if I can meet him. I lived close to the radio station so I told him to meet me there.
Unsure about what or why the boss wanted to see me I met up with him anyway. I really did not think anything of it. He comes in the station and asks me to his office. He then tells me that he can no longer bottle up his feelings for me. He says that he was in love with me and wanted to leave his wife to be with me. At first I thought he was joking but I quickly realized that he wasn't. I was really good friends with this guy and it wasn't easy letting him down because of that fact- plus the fact that he was my boss. I told him I wasn't interested and that it would be wrong of him to leave his family just for me. He said he understood and offered a final suggestion that they did not have to know about the two of us. I was absolutely shocked by what I was hearing. Here was a man who was all about his family, his family-life, good moral values, etc. etc., and he was telling me all these immoral things. I let him know that I was not comfortable with what he was telling me and that again, I wasn't interested. He said he understood and apologized repeatedly.
That night I could not sleep. I kept thinking of how weird it was going to be at work from that moment on. The next day when I arrived at work the operations manager was waiting for me and asked to speak with me. The operations manager had asked me about my "relationship" with my boss. I had told him nothing was going on, I did not even mention the fact that he had came onto me the night prior. Apparently, he did not believe me. He said that he had reason to believe that we had an inappropriate relationship and that I was going to be let go. I thought "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" It appears as if that morning my boss had told the operations manager that I was ruining his marriage and that I was in love with him. He also convinced him that I was sexually harassing him and he threatened to quit and sue the station if something wasn't done done about it. I was shocked and completely blindsided by all this. I tried to explain to the operations manager what had happened and it did not change anything, he had said it was already a done deal and that I was out. I was under contract so I would be paid my severance check but also had reminded me of my confidentiality agreement that I signed with I was first hired so I could not tell anyone why I was being let go. I was livid. I must have called my boss a million times in hopes that he would explain to me why he went to the operations manager just because I rejected him. Of course, he was a coward and never answered his phone.
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