Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wrecked Station Van

I remember one of the funniest things I have ever seen in radio.  It was raining and I was outside the station smoking a cigarette.  Whoever was driving the van was driving way too fast and made the turn into the parking lot at a bad angle.  The wet ground made the van skid and it slammed into a curb.  When it hit, it hit the curb HARD!
When the driver backed up it was clear that they had bent the axle and also bent the rim.

The driver was a young girl who had been with the station for only about 2 weeks.  She got out the van and began crying that she was going to get fired.  I admit I felt bad but it really wasn’t my fault, or my problem.  She shouldn’t had been driving so fast in the rain.

The next day I found out she did get fired.  I don’t know how much it cost to fix, but I’m sure it wasn’t cheap.


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