Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sex In The Studio

This story is one that haunts me to this very day.  I had a coworker that was the type of guy who would sleep with just about anyone.  The guy had very low standards.  One night, we had a concert event.  This was a station exclusive event so all the crew was in attendance.  Once it was over, I decided I would stay behind and help the crew load up the van.  My roommate was on the promotions crew so it was nothing out of the ordinary.

As we were driving back to the radio station we decided that we would stop for a bite to eat.  By the time we were finished, it was already after 2AM.  Once we got back to the station I realized that I wanted to do a few things in the studio to save me time from doing them the following day.  Being that late at night, it appeared as if the entire radio station was empty.  It was the kind of quiet that you do not get to experience during normal business hours.  I opened the door to the studio and I was shocked to find my coworker with a completely naked woman on top of him.  To make matters worse, the smell in the studio smelled godawful.  Now, I am not one to judge a persons choice in women, but this girl was easily over 250 pounds.

They both jumped up and I quickly exited the studio cause I was not trying to get a look at my coworkers junk.  I felt what I needed to do in the studio could wait so I left.  As I was driving home my coworker was blowing up my phone trying to get a hold of me and texting me asking that I not tell anyone.

In the end, I never told anyone because I knew that was something that would have gotten the man fired.


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