Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fuck Clear Channel

My radio career was over before it even started.  I was a new radio jock and after busting my ass to make it as a part timer DJ, I was laid off.  I started on the air late.  Well, late for some but I was still young. I was 24 years old at the time.  I had spent the past 4 years busting my hump trying to get the attention of the program director.  He finally gave me my big break.  I was green but I was practicing and getting better.  I had some really good jocks helping me along the way.  Almost a year had gone by when I got word that I was being fired.  I asked my boss why and he said that Cheap Channel was doing away with all the part time jocks to make way for Premium Choice.  What they did was take a handful of talentless douche bags in market number 2 and made them voice track the entire company in all their markets.  I listened to some of those P.C. jocks and they are horrible.  By doing this, part timers like myself and the other weekend jocks were out of the job.  With little experience and a shitload of competition, I have had a hard time getting back into it.  Yes, I’m still mad.


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